Our Web of Life


Have you ever sat back and really thought about life?

I mean, really deep thoughts about life.

Why do we pain? Why do we smile?

Why is there tormoil? Why are there challenges?

Why do people of Faith have so many different Beliefs?

How can we get along with people so much different than us?

Why doesn’t somebody change things? Why does God ignore us?

The fact of the matter… the bottom line… the responsibility… falls on each of US.

Individually. Nobody else. No God to step in and make everything better.

Each person is responsible for their own Soul.

Each person is responsible for their own Actions.

Each person is responsible to influence Everyone they Encounter.

Not God. Not our Government Leaders. Not our Friends. Not our Families.

Me. You. I am responsible for my own actions, my own influences, my own decisions.

No one else.

I wrote “Web of Life” in 1999 as a result of some deep thought and taking the time to write a summary of what I believe to be true about life. I do not expect everyone to agree, but that is the beauty of our lives. Variety is the Spice of Life.

Speak your minds. Live your lifes as you see fit. But remember to respect those we encounter every moment of the day. Strive to make a positive impression on every Soul you influence.

Do not blame negative experiences in your past as reasons of why you cannot live the life you desire.

Do not blame negative experiences in your present as reasons you cannot live the life you desire.

Do not inflict negative experiences towards other Souls you encounter.

Take responsibility for your life and decide to live the life you believe you deserve.

Chart a course. Begin your journey. Live your life. Enrich the Souls you encounter.

Read “Web of Life” and reflect upon your life. Look at the Soul looking back at you within your mirror.

Live the life you choose to live while keeping in mind you are weaving a web of influence every moment of your life whether you are conscious of it or not.

When you come to the end of your physical life here on Earth, will your web be made of strong ties or weak knots?